I’m not dead! Nor am I giving up writing!
Tag: Story Update
TSOCID – Chapter Thirteen
Hazel tries to comfort Bernard and Curtis is late.
Chapter Thirteen: Elfmas Past
Hazel hadn’t quite assembled her whole ensemble when she walked out of her living room into the tavern. Her gloves were still tucked under her arm and her scarf hung lopsidedly from her neck as she fiddled with the buttons of her coat. She’d left her cane resting against her armchair, but that was only because she planned to spirit it to her with magic once she reached the front entrance.
Read more “TSOCID – Chapter Thirteen”TSOCID – Chapter Twelve
Jack reacts to a play. Myrna and Juniper have a talk. Curtis and his mice are interrupted.
Chapter Twelve: Elfmas Present
As the applause and cries of “encore” started to die down, Jack managed to codify his reaction to the play.
Read more “TSOCID – Chapter Twelve”Weekly Update #17
The only reason this isn’t a Chapter Eight Author’s Note is I that I have nothing to say.
Story Updates
I’ve added interrobangs[1]‽ to all my previous chapters because they are an unfairly shat upon piece of punctuation.
Read more “Weekly Update #17”Footnoes
Weekly Update #13
Why am I hyperfocusing on knitting?!
Weekly Update #12
Material updates!
Just a heads up to any fellow writers out there, having the end goal of a chapter be “shorter than the other ones” is probably not a good idea. At least it’s not for me. Maybe it’s a great idea for you. I don’t know your life.
Read more “Weekly Update #12”Weekly Update #11
Just me being a downer despite not being down. Oh, and experimenting with the format some more.
So, in case you haven’t noticed, it’s not Friday. Or at least, it won’t be when you’re reading this. And that only supposes that you read my updates when they came out. But for the purposes of writing, I’m going to suppose that you did. Or do.
Read more “Weekly Update #11”Weekly Update #10
The [beep] is sleep?
I’m still not sick. And I’m not feeling my usual format today, so I’m just gonna ramble for a bit.
Read more “Weekly Update #10”Weekly Update #9
My sinuses SUCK!!
My sinuses are currently kicking my ass. Or my face, I guess. So they’re kicking themselves? Idk, they’re not happy and have been making their displeasure known.
Read more “Weekly Update #9”