My sinuses SUCK!!

My sinuses are currently kicking my ass. Or my face, I guess. So they’re kicking themselves? Idk, they’re not happy and have been making their displeasure known.
Story Updates
The events are solidifying and coming together very nicely, whenever I’ve actually worked on them this week. Between forgetting to put my journal back in my school messenger bag after traveling and the aforementioned sinuses, I’ve not had a productive week.[1]In terms of writing and word count. I’ve been plenty productive in other areas.
I’m a bit too out of it currently to give a good guesstimate of whether this is a sign that the next chapter will come out in the next few weeks, but it is starting to come up on the end stages of my writing process. So there’s that.
My sinuses don’t like me. Also, school is going well.
Also, going to head out to do chores and prowl a cute vintage store that’s having a sale to clear out stock for new stuff.
Anything else?
Nope. Still only getting spam instead of anything from readers in terms of answers to questions.
*SPAM song starts playing in head.*
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