Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down…
… Never gonna run around and desert you.
I regret nothing.
Read more “Weekly Update #16”Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down…
… Never gonna run around and desert you.
I regret nothing.
Read more “Weekly Update #16”I didn’t have an update last week, but I also didn’t write anything last week. So that worked itself out.
Read more “Weekly Update #15”More mental brick walls and iPhone spiderwebs.
I’ve lost count at this point. Debating if I should start counting it over again or just start off where the last numbered one left off.
Read more “Weekly Update #14???”A return to old formats.
Returning to my old format and upload schedule. Probably won’t stick once school starts again, but let’s see if I can keep it up during the summer.
Read more “Let’s Try This Again”Out of context bits of stuff I’ve written this week!
I liked the format for last week’s author’s note, so I’m gonna do that again here.
Read more “Chapter Eight Sneak Peek #1”It’s amazing how much writing you can get done in a week when you spend 3 hours a day writing.
Vermont, USA
On the edge of the Maple Guardian’s forest
“Hey, man,” the hiker said, slightly out of breath from having to jog with a backpack on to keep up with me, “I gotta say thanks for helping me out.”
Read more “TSOCID – Chapter Nine”Vermont, USA
Lookout Tower D
A forest perimeter guard was one of the easiest positions a Scout Elf could fill. It required no human interaction, had minimal day-to-day duties, and every single outpost was located smack dab in the middle of some of the most beautiful natural locations known to elf or man. Landing an FPG assignment fresh out of basic Scout Elf training would inevitably be followed by rumors of friends in high places circulating for months after deployment. At least, that was Harriet’s experience. Her rumors had been especially jealous. She could see why. The job was great.
Read more “TSOCID – Chapter Eight”January 1995
By the time New Years rolled around, Curtis woke up expecting a brand new slew of disasters. Between the inevitable rough patch that follows any change in management and Jack’s refusal to do anything, nearly every section of the North Pole had already faced some catastrophic failure he had to deal with. Alone. Every time. So when Curtis arrived at the stuffed animal production line to find a hurricane of stuffing and fake fur caused by a broken windowpane, he wasn’t surprised Jack was nowhere to be found. And, like every other time before, the situation was too much of an emergency for him to walk away from it and drag Jack back by his ear.
Read more “TSOCID – Chapter Seven”Yo, home life is pretty sweet.
It has come to my attention that I have no goddamn idea how long it takes me to write. Also, the corona virus can suck a bag of dicks.
Read more “Hello, Folks!”