More mental brick walls and iPhone spiderwebs.

I’ve lost count at this point. Debating if I should start counting it over again or just start off where the last numbered one left off.
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I’ve been hitting a bit of a wall, so I’m figuring out what is going on that feels weird. So yes, there is progress, just not in the form of wordcount.
I, for the first time in my phone-owning life, have spiderwebbed a phone screen. So we had to get a new one on Sunday.

Technically Mom got a new one and I got her old one, but it’s new to me (and a really good phone) so yay! It also has a ton of memory on it. I can fit my entire music library on it now!
But this did push back my schedule by a day, as the time I would normally spend cleaning stuff on Sunday was eaten by that. So I did it on Monday and just shifted everything over.
My brother also turned 21 yesterday[1]Thursday! Ice cream cake was had. It was delicious.
Is that all?
Yeah, pretty much. Should have readable progress next time. See you then!
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