Weekly Update #12

Material updates!

Just a heads up to any fellow writers out there, having the end goal of a chapter be “shorter than the other ones” is probably not a good idea. At least it’s not for me. Maybe it’s a great idea for you. I don’t know your life.

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Weekly Update #11

Just me being a downer despite not being down. Oh, and experimenting with the format some more.

So, in case you haven’t noticed, it’s not Friday. Or at least, it won’t be when you’re reading this. And that only supposes that you read my updates when they came out. But for the purposes of writing, I’m going to suppose that you did. Or do.

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Weekly Update #1

Outlines and Finals


I’ve gone through where I want this story to go and where I am now and wrote out an outline. Nothing too detailed, but it does show the big plot points along the way so that I’ve got one fewer set of straws to grasp at.

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