
General thoughts on my most recent chapter:
This chapter, overall, was pretty painless to write.
The only downside is that I’m not really feeling it.
This seems to be one that’s likely to have a rewrite at some point in the future. Not sure yet.
But as it stands, I think the writing is solid. And it’s nice to not feel exhausted after finishing a chapter.
I think a lot of my “meh”-ness is from the first scene.
The one with Bernard and Hazel.
Initially, it was supposed to do a bit more legwork than it ended up doing. And I’m not sure if this makes the scene redundant.
‘Cause we kinda already established in an earlier scene that Bernard’s feeling kinda listless.
I’m gonna let it sit for now. Maybe after I’ve made more progress I’ll come back and cut/change it.
I’m a little too iffy to really try and mess with it now.
The best part of all of this is having no burnout.
That means I can get started on the next chapter right away instead of trying to for a month and not understanding why I can’t do anything but watch Markiplier videos I’ve seen before.
I’ve also given myself a writing schedule.
It’s based on monthly chapter updates and what I now know of my writing tendencies over the years[1]holy shit of me working on this project.
This also means I have apparently not learned my lesson when it comes to making promises on when I will update.
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see if school starting up and classes happening in meatspace will screw it all up.
Thanks for reading, my dudes!
See you next week.
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