Don’t mind me. Just trying, trying again to figure my system out.

I failed Nanowrimo and I’m okay with that.
Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to win anyway. I’d mainly used it to keep a consistent daily writing schedule. Which worked, until I finished Chapter 7’s 1st draft and then I hit a hiccup in figuring out how to proceed. Transitions have always been my biggest sticking point.
But once I figured out what the heck I’m doing now that my brand new norm had been disrupted (took about a week) and now my only obstacle to writing every day is internal obligations to finish school stuff and put up Christmas decorations. So when I don’t write every day, it’s not because I’m internally flailing my arms and screaming “I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING AAAAAAH!”
Previously, I had tasked myself with writing at least 10 minutes a day. Now that I’m in the editing stage, I’m trying out having 1 page (college-ruled notebook paper and I’m not writing this from scratch, which helps) as my daily task. If it ends up being too much, I’ll go back to having the bare minimum be 10 minutes a day. Need a little bit longer to figure out which would work better.
Currently, I’m on my second pass of chapter 7, so the focus is making sure the plot progression makes sense or the POV characters are the most appropriate. There are a few scenes I need to fill in (that I didn’t even think of writing during my 1st draft) but this is not the point where I worry about how pretty the prose is. I’ll fix that later. Right now I’m fixing the groundwork.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for you this month. Hopefully, I’ll have a new chapter up for you next time. But either way, Merry Christmas!
P.S. I changed the progress bar to reflect chapter rather than wordcount progression. Seemed to make more sense and required less math on my part.