Pay all attention to the person behind the curtain!

Hey, so I don’t disappear off the face of the earth again without at least an explanation, I thought I’d check in with a little half update type thing.
First of all, I’m recalibrating how often I update. When I try to do weekly, it goes great until anything else in my life happens (like school, or nanowrimo[1]more on that below), after which my blog falls to the wayside as I can’t keep up with it. I’m thinking I may change to one guaranteed update a month, with others sprinkled in as I get the whim to write them. So probably just once a month.
Another thing is I’m trying to do nanowrimo! Kinda! I am by no means going to win given the pace I’m keeping, but I’m taking this opportunity to develop a daily writing habit, which seems to be holding up so far! Yay!
I’m also not going to update the word count tracker on here until the words are “officially” published as a chapter update. FYI.
That’s all for now, but I thought I’d let y’all guys know what’s up and not leave you in the dark. See you next update!
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