I did not do much this month.

The holidays were fun. I didn’t end up writing much of anything over it, however. For some reason, changing direction, even in something as small as “I’ve finished Scene C, time to start Scene D!” always stalls me out. Probably because my lizard brain just panics about not knowing exactly what to do next. It’s so annoying. I have yet to find an effective way to combat it. Still looking. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.
I got an idea for a multi-part book review of a Lovecraftian novel my parents found at a gas station somewhere.I need to finish listening to it first, so I’m not sure when that will start becoming a thing.
I’m planning on spending much of today writing Scene D as my lizard brain seems to have calmed down enough to let me get my journal out and start thinking about how I’m going to approach this.
I may make a follow up post to this one covering what I did instead of writing this month. But just in case that doesn’t happens, Happy New Year and see you all next month!