Yet another list.

Hey everyone, I’m writing this the day before posting[1]Haha, yeah, no I didn’t. I’m late. My bad. and my brain is not cooperating. So I’m just gonna list things that have happened and provide commentary as it occurs to me.
- I’m currently 2 scenes away from finishing chapter 7. My loose deadline for posting chapter 7 is the 20th, given that previous 2-scene chapters took about a month and I came up with this on the 20th of January. I already have the scenes planned out. Next step is to brain-vomit them out of my head, then a few stages of editing, then done. Wish me luck.
- I’m picking up sketchnoting again, as I’ve got a few lecture heavy, non-ASL classes this semester. I thought it would take a bit to get back into the swing of it, but I started right up again with no real hiccups. I suspect it’s because ASL and sketchnoting are both inherently visual. There were a couple ties my brain offered an applicable sign instead of a picture I could sketch, which were some weird mental-double-take moments. Maybe taking sketchnotes will help keep my brain in ASL mode outside of the ASL program bubble.
- I moved my bullet journal from a disc bound journal to a dot-grid journal that I got with a sketchnoting class from UIW. After assaulting its cover with my surprisingly large stockpile of stickers, I started using it shortly after the new year. I’m already close to filling it up and have a duplicate one on standby for when that happens. So far, it’s worked really really well. Definitely will continue using it.
That’s all I’ve got for y’all this week. This month is gonna be weird as just glancing at my future log tells me February is absolutely packed with to-dos. Hope most of it is fun! See y’all next month!
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