Story Updates
Deleted the word “constantly” in chapter 3. Riveting stuff, I know.
Also ironed out some worldbuilding after hitting a snag. I’m not sure how much is going to make it into the final product (usually, about 90% doesn’t) but it does help me keep the story and world consistent behind the scenes. It’s also why I’m not sure if there are going to be dryads or not. They’re definitely going to be mentioned at the very least but whether they show up or not is dependent on what the scenes need.
Wigilia happened, opened a few presents. Got a pair of light up shoes from Santa. Still processing not having an outside imposed schedule. Enjoying the holidays. All that jazz. Made pierogi with my dad yesterday. That was tons of fun. Later today I’m heading to my best friend’s engagement party. *waves frantically because I know you read this* HI AND CONGRATS AGAIN! Most everything else can fit into that “a bunch of small stuff that comprises everyday life” category most of our time fritters away into. Or at least a lot of
Is that all?
Yeah, pretty much. Thanks for reading and I’ll see y’all again next week! Merry Christmas!