Welcome to the Chapter Hub for The Spirit of Christmas is Dying. Here are all the links to all the chapters in one handy location. Enjoy!
The Spirit of Christmas is Dying
Summary: An alternate universe story about what our beloved characters would do under Jack Frost’s Santa, and what would happen if Scott failed to regain his Santa-ness in the third movie. Needless to say, Jack isn’t very good at instilling the Spirit of Christmas, which has magical ripple effects across the board.
Warnings: Very minor. Some cursing with a particular character and Death is a thing, but any scarring is unintentional on my part. Minor character death.
Chapter List:
Prologue: A Creation Story of Sorts
Chapter One: A Slight Company Reorganization
Chapter Two: Much Ado About Nothing
Chapter Four: Jack of All Trades
Chapter Five: Traditions, Ties, and Tension
Chapter Six: Conclusion Hopscotch
Chapter Eight: More Ado About Nothing
Chapter Eleven: Missed Messages
Chapter Twelve: Elfmas Present
Chapter Fourteen: Elfmas Future
Where Else Can I Find It?
Here are some links to other places I’ve uploaded it.