Yo, home life is pretty sweet.

It has come to my attention that I have no goddamn idea how long it takes me to write. Also, the corona virus can suck a bag of dicks.
I don’t have it or anything, but it’s, like, killed people and thoroughly fucked my schedule for the school semester, so it can suck a bag of dicks, regardless.
I hope this post doesn’t come across as really bitter. It’s not really. More of a foul mouth valley girl kinda bored. It’s the corona virus’ fault, as I’ve been melting into my immobile pile of human I revert to during the summer months when I don’t have the external schedule of school holding me together. Which has been my biggest problem, as I social-isolated on my own without governmental help.
Also, can we all agree people who can social isolating who are not social isolating are the worst?
Like, it triggers the same rage in me that anti-vaxxers do. Stay home, goddammit. Watch some YouTube or something, idk.
I ended up losing a few weeks figuring out how time blocking works so I wouldn’t spend all my time playing Sims 4 and neglect the work I’d normally put in because I’m stuck at school and what else am I gonna do? Surprisingly, I’ve had more time to write. It took me an embarrassingly long time to put together that it was because I don’t have to spend two 45 minute trips in the car and however many lost minutes packing up and getting to class.
I should have a story update either concurrent or shortly following this. I’m 1.5 scenes away from finishing and have surprise time to write, so I’m much more confident in this assessment than before.
If anyone wants to join me as I write, the link to the google doc is here. You can hang out, leave comments, heckle, whatever. Theoretically, I have time blocked when I should be writing, but given that I’m the worst with scheduling right now period and it’s a toss-up for whether I’m writing on a computer or by hand/typewriter, putting any times or dates would be a bit futile. I think I’ve established pretty thoroughly I have no idea what I’m doing, ever. Nonetheless, I’m using a cool new insert thingy that shows google calendars apparently below with my writing calendar for those who wish to risk it.