Just me taking the piss out of some JW propaganda because I don’t like that the Watchtower is harboring pedos.

I got a letter from Jehovah’s Witnesses!
Or, rather, my dad got a letter from JW, because why send the letter to the whole family when you can send it directly to the one who matters?
Or maybe he didn’t, cause the address sticker has some really weird errors. For one thing, they spelled last name wrong.
We have the same last name, so I’m not sure how to phrase this. Grammar is weird.
They also seem to think that my dad has two middle names. Like, it’s put “John M Middlename Doe” on the envelope. I’m not sure if whoever sent this is under the impression this is how one should format a middle name on a letter or if they’ve recorded my dad in whatever files they may or may not have with two middle names. Either way, it’s very wrong.
Enough about the envelope, what’s in the letter itself?

Transcript and responses below:
Did they include anything else?
Below I’ve included my annotated pamphlet displaying the evils of operatic priests, puppeteers, and politics, among other things. They also included a smaller pamphlet, but it had information on the specific location and how to go to meetings and stuff and not really worth riffing on.

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