Pacemaker and Dryads

Story Updates:
Checked out the Pacemaker website on Sunday. It’s apparently a writing progress tracker or something. I’m mainly using it to keep track of everything I’m not writing. For everyday tracking of how long I’m working on my story, I’ve been using an app called Wordly. Then I put in the net worth I did later onto Pacemaker. Both are pretty good. I think I’m gonna keep it.
Below is a widget I copied from the Pacemaker website. I copied it before I started and the option is grayed out now for some reason. Probably because I’m using the free version because I’m cheap. But here it is in case it isn’t as broken as I think.[1]Edit:
I also have been actively picking away at the writer’s block I’ve hit. I’ve kinda figured out what I want to do, the problem has been ironing out how I want to go about presenting/writing it. So I’ve been working on it nearly all week, just have no word count to show for it. (Of course.)
Did a lot of research on the types of wood commonly used to make children’s toys. And different types of forest/tree spirits found around the world associated with those types of trees.
Still not sure if Dryads are going to show up in the story or not.
Spent New Year’s Eve at a party, talking and playing Unstable Unicorns. Fun game. Recommend it.
Anything Else?
Anyone know any good tarot spreads for writers? I’ve got a couple that I use, but I was wondering if anyone had any they particularly enjoy.
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